
I don’t think so, not unless there’s much more to it, as in, stuff we don’t either already know or find completely un-shocking about Trump.

Yep, but they got in dire straits because they didn’t keep up and got run over by competition.

What elements have to be present for a criminal fraudulent conveyance (I’m mostly familiar with it in a bankruptcy context)? I assume a divorced spouse is still an insider, which would mean in bankruptcy a lookback of a year.

The nail in what coffin, exactly?

And it shows she has no moral misgivings about whatever wrongs her man might do.

Lol I had to close the page when I got to that threesome!

I would not hold my breath for Mueller’s investigation - whatever it reveals - to bring down Trump. It won’t happen.

As far as Trumps deliberate or accidental consolidation of power goes, I see it more as the operation of the ineluctable force of entropy, leaving the chaotic smithereens of an administration to reconstitute into some anti-matter vortex.

Bike shirts can be different hicknesses. But in reality if you are *actually* riding a bike you wouldn’t want super-warm - they wouldn’t hold up. And if you’re really riding distance you probably want padding. I haven’t cycled in eons, but my bike shorts (in addition to padding, thus taking them out if use for

Wait...this a “look”? This is what people wear, or wore in a few different ways over the last 30 years. And it’s what about 60% of guys I see running in spring and fall are wearing.

There hasn’t been any indication she is other than delighted at Harry & Meghan marrying.


11? I thought he was like 14 by now. He’s just a baby. He deserves none of this - not his family, not unprotected press coverage,not his picture anywhere.

This is likely true, and it makes me want to puke.

Wait, though, isn’t that exactlyvwhatcwe’cecalways know Woody Allen to be? I mean, seems like all that is written right across his face.

Right?  I came here to say this.  Those things are amazing.  Poor kid to have that dad, those half-siblings.  Do the other kids even know him?  I’ve never heard anyone mention him at all.  

You...complete me. ❤️❤️

Well, duh, it’s hard-g gee-off! 😋

Is is all my experience with them as well. Going there as a kid felt and was special. As a parent, going back 10-15 years, my experience was that it grew to have the feel of a Walmart - downmarket & disorganized - and such a poor in-store selection & lack of staff it became pointless and depressing to go. They didn’t

That’s a really good response to the question about getting in trouble. In my corner of the world the school administrators was ridiculously (in a good way) supportive of the effort, which I truly appreciate - that they support the students in taking action, and that instead of warnings about behavior or threats in