Bill Cool

RE: Manufacturing vs. Serviceability

It looks bad and they lose money”

I’d be willing to bet that they lose one hell of a lot more money having to divert a flight or turn one around than they do by not having that person’s ticket money in the first place.

Let me get this straight...

Probably a lot because rich people will be rich people. Don’t be mad at the dealers, be mad at the people writing the checks.

Bronco Raptor is a bizarre name. It sounds like a horror movie where someone experiments with animals to create a monster.

Rejoice and be glad, BRAPTOR is here! IN FOX SHOX NAME WE PRAY, BRAAAP BRAAAP!

Here here! Totally agree and I’ve felt this way for a long time. It’s actually quite astonishing that one can get a drivers license at 16, 7, 18 (depending on the state) and have it for the rest of their lives without any retesting or checkup. RE Florida; so true. I’ve been in the car with elderly people that can

It is way too easy to get your driver’s license in this country. We need laws that requires more skills behind the wheel and actually keep checking our driving skills well into old age. Just one day of driving around Florida will demonstrate the need for better driver training for new and older drivers. 

Eat a fucking dick.

Addiction is a bear of a problem for some people, and recovery sometimes involves backsliding.

I’m OK with being called an idiot. I was an idiot. I’m also nearly 11 years sober, which doesn’t invalidate my misdeeds but at least shows that I did, in fact, address my alcoholism.

There’s a very dangerous snake in Southern Africa, called the Black Mamba. Well, there are different varieties with different coloration, but everybody calls it the black mamba. Scary stories spread - everybody knows somebody’s friend’s uncle who was chased and bitten and died within minutes. In reality, it’s not a

BMW’s come straight from the factory with turn signals.

He said “worst”, not “best”.

Those damn “Calvin peeing on [insert logo]” stickers.

I’m in software development. I can’t tell you how many time I’ve seen ticket responses from developers and from myself that look like this:

I saw one of the new name suggestions from the linked article is the “Jeep Eagle,” which is painful to anyone alive in the ‘90s.  It’s like a Simpsons joke.  New Simpsons.

Now please check out this hook while we seek to revolve it.

“But if there is one, well, of course we will solve it,”

She was young, cute