
How old is she, TWELVE years old?! It’s called a contract. It’s called an ad campaign. Unless the contract went as far as to say they would hold your hand and tuck you in at night, they don’t owe you sh**. Welcome to the (real) world. This site, other sites, lots of sites and magazines and the such around the world hav

I wouldn’t be surprised if that decision is revisited.  It’s a pretty ugly set of facts.

Ah yes, the “and don’t you come back, motherfucker!” rule.  But if that were the case in Illinois then I expect the attorneys quoted would have mentioned it.

They want Trump out of sheer disdain for the opposite political party/theory for reasons real but mostly imagined.

It’s funny how you morons mischaracterize the original article to make your juvenile points.

I believe her. No sane person would think that looks good. 

Candace, do you actually enjoy being a journalist? Or are you merely punching the clock? The reason I’m asking is that this article is something no self respecting journalist would willingly put their name on.

It’s no longer enough to make sure you don’t end up in a situation like this, now you have to make sure a friend, family member, or person you met up with once to exchange items through Craigslist never gets in a spot like this because your name is entering the fray.

June 19, 1965?

I don’t think that’s what happened here. The teenager just thought he had dibs on the bike b/c he was riding it previously. But, once it’s docked, he has no ownership of it. He did rent it again after the dust-up ended.

it’s infamous to me because i don’t wear shoes or shirts

It didn’t decline her card, though. They took the bike from her by force and closed her lease, just happening to do so during the refund window. They also clearly had no claim to it given that she was the one with the receipt.

How is it The Root NEVER bothers to do even minimal research?

This article does a pretty good job of victim blaming... You have to read 9 paragraphs down to get to the point that Hooper was identified by one of the surviving victims (who was injured and almost murdered).

Horrible take and another example of brainwashing “journalism”.  She signed a contract and regrets it.  This doesnt require another Protect Black Women / Male Toxicity Hit Piece from you or any other employee at The Root.  Pathetic

How dare this Black Queen be expected to abide by a signed contract! This is slavery! Fucking wypipo mayosapien cishets forced her to sign that mutually lucrative deal that made her a house hold name completely against her will, right? She’s being treated differently from literally any and every other recording musicia

He was attacked and defended himself.  He didn’t point weapons at and threaten police.

Why lie? First the books aren’t banned from the general public. Some school districts have banned them from school libraries. Also, it’s rather quaint from the Banned Books site that many of the books say

Reasons: Banned, challenged, and restricted for LGBTQIA+ content and because it was considered to have sexually

Jeez, I guess someone never aged out of their “edgy atheist teenager” phase . . .