
“It’s as if he’s saying all Black folks are a monolith. Racist much”

He also happens to be the only Black defendant in the sprawling RICO indictment.

Just as irrelevant. The implication is harsher treatment because black.,As usual. Every fucking time. Except, just like most situations (not all) there’s a legitimate reason that has nothing to do with his melanin levels.

Stretch before you reach. You imply something then you answer it in your own piece. “Unlike his co-defendants, Floyd was unable to negotiate a bond before he surrendered”

“What they’re doing here is trying to take the stink off their movie, and some nice platitudes about human kindness aren’t going to cut it.”

I concede. Actually reminded me of Michael Franti a little. Or Consolidated.

His kids have nothing to do with his assholery. Leave them the fuck out of it. I’m not arguing with you you’re out of line. Unacceptable.

You ever heard his ‘hip-hop?’

The point of contention is a peer-reviewed study published last year by Green, a chemistry professor at Michigan Technological University; John Cook, a research fellow at the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland in Australia; and 10 other scientists who blog under the collective name of Skeptical

“I hope your children die under communism, Ada”

“now he has plenty of time to rethink all his life choices.”

I got it exactly right. Polyps lead to colon cancer if not cut out.

Yup. Like polyps and colon cancer.

Anti-black and fascist?

Advertisers don’t pick where their ads are run.

Yes, you’re right. It was the son.

Gibson is the victim.

First one should’ve been called FEMA Fest. Actually, heck, even FEMA camps are better equipped.