
Bite me, you fuck.

It is a racial slur that doesn’t affect me one bit.

“overwhelmingly white people acting like fools?”

It seems pretty clear from the outset that he’s not dead-set on ending the conflict otherwise he’d have dragged her demon-self away.

You know...I think some of the disconnect here has to do with people who say, or imply, that calling someone a karen is like calling someone ‘the n-word’.

No. Doesn’t bother me a bit. It’s a word. I also recognize there are asshole people who absolutely deserve pejorative terms.

Yeah but they’re overwhelmingly ‘white’.

If it’s his business maybe he should stop talking about it. Glad you’re ok, man. You’re an interesting, talented man and it would suck to lose you before your time.

Dude kinda looks like Scott Ian from Anthrax.

Where’s your supervisor. I want to talk to them right now.

Ok yoda.

Listen I’ll concede in part. I know what it started as but I also know that plenty use it as a racial slur.

Ok. Karen is still a deliberate racial slur.

Jeez I just watched it again.

“White” privilege.

You’re here too, bud.

Who gives a flying fuck. These two deserve whatever they get. Especially the chick.

No it absolutely is and anyone who denies it is lying.

That was the weirdest about-face ever. Dude seemed reasonable and looking to deescalate then just BAM.