
You chickenshit flagging factual comments.

Well...I do know he’s a lyin’ race hustler that’s for sure.

Well now we know you’re a bitter, spiteful asshole bigot. Duly noted. Now fuck off.

Ultimate cognitive dissonance.

Al (not so)Sharpton still thinks Blake was killed.

Well this is kinda weird. No other news outlet claims Cole was black (usually the first thing mentioned.) He looks pretty pale in this screengrab found online.

And you sound like a stupid ‘edgy’ wannabe revolutionary. No, I’m not a cop and I’ve had more shitty run-ins with them than most including one that resulted in a permanent shoulder injury. I’ve had guns drawn, tasers pointed, been through a couple multi-agency raids. I can still be fair and call it like it is. You can

Ok let’s at least agree the sauce was not a viable option once that man started at her. Again, couch quarterbacking, maybe she shouldn’t have had her gun out yet. Maybe HER taser could have worked when the car was still between them. Once he charged her she had no choice but to fire. This ‘she shot him because he’s’s the bias. You think all cops are just looking to murder black people, and that any time a cop kills a black person it’s murder.

Except he was arrested, at the scene, night of.

Turned himself in, huh? Making shit up already because that’s what you do.

Pepper spray does not stop a determined attacker.

“Of course the cops aren’t going to admit if race was a factor in why they jumped on the first Black couple with a baby they spotted.”

“just as easily asked if they came in a car and could show it was theirs via unlocking and relocking it.”

Dunno about metaphorically. The guy’s a fuckin’ drama queen who thinks everything should be about him. These stories are always about him griping about not being the center of attention.

The other officer DID try another option. They weren’t given much time. Within less than a minute of her getting out of her car he charges directly at her.

God I hate that concept but it’s hard to think otherwise. He could have gone any direction but he went around a damn car and charged her directly. He at very least clearly intended to fuck her up.

That man fucked up and knows it, and will go to prison. For a long time. Murder two at best, most likely one since he had demonstrated considering killing her before.

Watch the video. He comes directly at her, with PLENTY of room to move another direction. Then lowers his head and charges her.

Now playing

Bloody hell that IDIOT woman with the laundry basket moving like a turtle, refusing to get out of the damn way.