
Damn. If this is true...damn.

“smacking an unaware downed woman in the head with a metal folding chair.”

“And watching the Junkyard Dog guy walloping people with the chair of just desserts....*chef’s kiss*”

The bleach-haired person also struck her multiple times when she was on her ass, including AFTER the chair strike. That lady 100% tried to break shit up. These fuckers are blatantly LYING about shit.

“Notice no other random white people were beat or assaulted, only those that participated in the initial jumping.”

“So fuck off with that noise, if she wasn’t part of the problem she wouldn’t have gotten a chair to the head.”

Reports are that those particular assholes had been trouble before, in similar situations minus the fighting. At least two of the three charged have previous assault charges. They’re pricks, and the law needs to broughtbto bear on them.

Yeah I have no idea about the line someone can toe when imploring someone else to kill someone.

What a drama queen. I think you meant me. Hi!

You ALWAYS find a way.

“black breitbart”

Holy crap last night I saw more about what she said and did.

Weirdly, before the lawsuit was filed, he was described as “an activist and street artist...” not a teacher.

They don’t represent any culture. Groups like this are creepy and culty, just like any heavily collectivist ideological group. It’s actually really corny, but with that added danger potential. In general these guys in particular aren’t violent but that could change.

There’s something, many things, really fishy about this Patriot Front. It really does come off as almost corny, like a show. And often when they do their big ‘marches’ like in DC and Philly, they have police protection. Maybe they simply apply for it? Don’t know.

I’ve seen the video too. A wacktivist in Boston shot it. Him and his meth dealer girl-friend.

100% agree with you. Unlike others, I don’t really care if she’s a racist or bigot or hates whitey. But she sure as hell shouldn’t be teaching. And...should probably be less public because MOST employers are going to shy away from someone whose hateful online persona might be a liability in a variety of ways. Somehow

Oh one more correction because somehow I’m still letting you gaslight me into watching this crap multiple times start to finish:

I watched the entire video, Drainey. You’re lying through your teeth. You provided a link that proves you a liar but you just can’t acknowledge it. You’re the one who on’t acknowledge wrongdoing by your ‘kin.’

Thanks again for that ‘other angle’. I hadn’t watched past her getting smacked over the head with a chair for no reason after trying to break up a fight, but now after watching that video all the way to the end I also see now that the chickenshit “man” who knocked her down also proceeds to smack her two or three times