
Oh. She’s a ‘musician’?

Any parks or hiking trails near you?

Well...she tried to couch it by following up with the part about the district’s employee manual.

HAHAHAHAHA touche of the day!

I got the impression that’s what hea meant. Or along those lines. That it’s a dumb term.

“One would think this situation is a possible infringement on freedom of speech rights under the First Amendment.”

“As the Boat captain for a riverboat company”

Brown’s shooting was caught on Camera and people still pulled that hands up don’t shoot bullshit?

“We are kind of joking about Montgomery brawl”

Obvious because he had the rifle? Or because of the audio of someone saying they’d shoot looters? There’s no concrete indication of his intent, and he waited until he was in grave danger to do anything. If the kid wanted to wantonly shoot people he had plenty of opportunity. I think that scumbag who fired the first

I’m still waiting for evidence that the woman in red was doing anything more than trying to break shit up. Several people here and elsewhere claim she was actively fighting and even that she ran full speed and ‘body slammed’ someone. Because middle-aged women in sun dresses do that kind of thing.


Just a third party observation but Neither Rosenbaum nor Huber were trying to shoot Rittenhouse. Grosskreutz was the only one with a gun and he’s not dead.

“is vigilante murder okay if the victim has a previous criminal record,”

Even one of the women who was attacking Red Dress reacted to it.

NATIONAL attention. Heck, actually, international even.

Another word watered down. You stfu. You screechers do a disservice to those who were acyually lynched. KILLED. Dead. You all keep distorting words so you can use them whenever the hell you want.

Genuinely curious where you’re getting this. Older woman, in her fifties at best, you say she runs full speed and body slams someone.

“a couple of Black woman push her ass to the side to keep her basic ass away from the Black men.”

I just saw another angle where one of the initial aggressors dives in the water to get away. That was pretty funny too.