
This might be the dumbest post you’ve ever made here, and that’s saying a lot.

“The assholes that attacked the security guard need to be prosecuted for assault”

Warning: don’t play a drinking game involving this guy saying ‘white’ or ‘racist’.

The woman who initially put that lady on her ass, too. She was trying to break up the initial fight and some chick comes in windmilling like a nut case and knocks her down and several people attack her.

Side-note: I just saw that those two are being investigated. I guess I kinda see, because that caning was excessive once the dude was subdued but it’s a big ol’ cliche at this point seeing the good guys in trouble.

Whoa. That thing is much bigger/steeper than the video shows

If you can do it multiple takes you must be an android!

It almost looks like he got KO’d. That last turn in the tunnel maybe?

“It was funny because he was ragdolling like crazy to a point it doesn’t even make sense.”

That was so pathetic on their part. Definitely worthy of serious charges. Same with the subsequent jumping of MULTIPLE people who weren’t even involved.

That’s a lot of assumption and embellishment. Were the black people who,subsequently started attacking damn near everyone white in the vicinity motivated by race? Seems so. So, hate crime charges for them, too!

Djesus. Unchained.


Liking a post is inserting oneself?

Look at you going off not even knowing what actually happened. She didn’t actually say a darn thing, especially not at or about Foxx.

Holy CRAP it’s a different world ‘in’ there.

Throw the book at everyone who went beyond defending that dock worker. Everone who attacked the old woman in the red dress who was trying to break it up. Chair guy who smashed her on the head for NO reason.


You bore me. You really fuckin’ do. Two months ago. I don’t feel the slightest need to explain myself to you, especially two months later when you go digging up old posts like a stalker.

Nope. ONLY females. Gender isn’t biology. It’s a social construct, remember? That’s the argument. But SEX is biology. ONLY females can gestate and give birth.