
I’ve never, ever, EVER seen anyone claim Trump’s some pinnacle of fitness. He’s fat. Period. Lizzo’s WAY ‘extra’ than OMB. It’s potentially dangerous for both of them.

“We’re going to tear at a woman for not being a rail-thin twig,”

Of course there’s ZERO mention of the shenanigans that day. They weren’t just blocking traffic they were pounding on cars, ripping around on bikes and quads etc.

Fair enough. Seems that’s becoming more and more common on many forums. Hence the term echo chamber.

I’m talkin’ people not the government. The government’s all the same team. ‘We’ should be aligned against ‘Them’.

How do you figure they’re pro soup here? Also, I’m glad to see a hard leftist recognizes the demonization of the ‘other side.’ Ultimately we really all should be working together against the common enemy. They hate every last one of us.

Hahahaha fuck dude I’m a suburban white dude and I know about that crap.

“Also, everyone is always so gung ho on prison abolition and sentencing reform right up until it lets someone you don’t like off the hook easy.”

The Root is pro-FBI? I’d think COINTELPRO would be enough to end that.

Fifteen year olds talk about dick size. Little fucking punk.

Another fucking child.

Man...I’m glad I’ll never kill anybody in questionable circumstances.

Weird how she dispels the race aspect then reignites it immediately.

It’s the latter. I read some other articles.

“The moped, though, “sustained major damage,”

What does racial consciousness or tribalism have to do with his sentencing?

“And yeah, I’m white. Sorry. I can’t help it”

Welp...went and read the wiki on 455. Fucked up.

Ah that seals it. One ‘person,’ multiple accounts. What a creep.