billber Netflix the snake or the frog?

You regularly call for violence against a broad range of people over disagreements. You’re a Karen.

Pointing out how ridiculous it is to claim that donating is socialism is not mindlessly insulting them.

Yes, I was being sarcastic. Very. That term is used constantly by sensationalist assholes. In this case it was very much metaphorically applicable. You’re right that events like this have unforeseen effects.

And of course the poster doesn’t seem interested in explaining their theory.

Remember this? Did you grow from knowing you were so very wrong?

Yeah you definitely don’t need to be reachin’ like that.

“Had he been white, argued the family’s attorney, he would still be alive.”

Noah said the n-word! Well...wrote it. In context.

The way he gets around it seems there are a couple thousand OF him!


Thing is, donating to her doesn’t fix anything. It simply gives her lawyer incentive to pad his hours. Same with the Penny GSG campaign.

No’s now about Karen trying to get those dudes killed. We’ve always been at war...

LMFAO DONATING IS SOCIALISM! How’s your back? Any cramps?

I was wrong. They are not encrypted. Fans are able to tune in and listen to team comms. Guess that means they can broadcast too then.

He seems confident enough that he doesn’t do much looking back. It’d have to suck to watch though.

What about the blkpipo who also continue to exploit blk artists?

They are, of course.

Plenty calm.

You’re way too logical.