
“She holds racial justice and equity dear...”

Oh no! She’s got a GFM!

Was this on CNN, NBC? If so, how fucking pathetic.

I wouldn’t call the sign infamous. Ubiquitous maybe. But these people are claiming they were ousted ‘because black’ which is a no-no. And if the manager has a history...

Seems pretty simple and pretty clearcut.

I think they call that gaslighting and it’s something power-hungry narcissists do. Interesting.

Fully agree, missy. Fully agree.

Yes. Yes I do. They wanted that dude’s head on a pike, too. They were convinced that guynwas repeatedly yelling THAT word. How fucking INSANE to buy into!

New wacky theory: they’re all in on it hence the convenient footage, bad acting all around.

Nothing was taken from the others either. The original claim was that she tried to steal THEIR bike.

It’s fucking pathetic this is searchable on google. This was national fucking news because of assholes like Crump and Monique Judge.

She and her lawyer probably photoshopped that. /s

You’re most likely exactly correct. Same way the use ‘mental health crisis’ every time but scoff at it when reversed.

The ‘receipts’ seem to show she rented the bike and it was immediately re-docked as the video shows.

Thinking of the COUNTLESS times you race-fiends were convinced something was blatant racism and wanted heads to roll. Cotton hair come to mind? You fucks questioned that kid’s MOM after she spoke up and said lay off. So determined!

So that is my understanding regarding the technicals. She checked out the bike on her account but it was ‘returned’ almost immediately when the dude shoved the bike back into the dock.

hahahahahaaaaa so much for science!

Just saw this. Fair enough.

The bike was re-docked. She was never charged for it. The use of the word ‘stole’ here was never correct.

Aw who gives a fuck, dude! Yes, it is, and these people are hateful, spiteful assholes. AND? It’s more damaging for them than us.