
You make a childish mom joke and then pull your canned ‘your betters are talking’ bullshit?

Do you live in a group home?

Good ol’ Candace. Always gotta shoehorn that race hustle. Cares sooooo much but can’t even be bothered to look at basic facts like Neely walking out on help or the massive amount of money spent on homelessness and ‘mental health’ in NYC.

“Under the fucking jail with this one.”

Oh. Damn.

Always with the NRA shit. They don’t manufacture safes but they do have SEVERAL articles on their site about gun storage, recommendations and endless classes on gun safety.

She’s said all this before.

Wait wait hang is 9/11 not a historical event? I wasn’t being dismissive or intentionally glib. I just didn’t see the quoted lyrics as all that horrible but I get your point it’s a heavy event that maybe shouldn’t be trivialized.

Wait...who was ‘offended’? Neither this nor the Fox article say who. Only that the video was removed...?

He didn’t refuse. He made an agreement to avoid being locked up for a violent crime then reneged.

The government tried to help him, Akeela. It’s impressive you think his family shouldn’t be in any way responsible. I’m sure you’re fine with his uncle who had nothing to do with him suing. Betcha his dad who abandoned him pops up too.

Holy. Crap. And I’m sure they ‘buy them back’ for $20 and sell again next semester for the $150.


Also pretty lame to pin this on Adams. He inherited an absolute mess from DiBlasio (whose wife embezzled public health funds btw!!!!)

Oh. Damn. They did call him Jackson. The caresomuch is soclearlyevident!

“At what point does it become acceptable to basically incarcerate someone who doesn’t want the treatment?”

Neely didn’t die because he was black.

Jordan Neely failed himself.

People ate forgetting that Neely was a regular. Many riders would be too. Mabe Penny had encountered Neely before, or someone who had told him Neely was prone to violence.

You’re going to ignore the fact that Neely walked out on a treatment plan he agreed to in lieu of a fifteen month sentence aren’t you.