
Whoa careful changing your username. Some might think it’s a nefarious act.

I didn’t write that. And B initial for Bill. It’s impressive how paranoid you are. I got bored and modified my username SLIGHTLY. What of it?

I read some of your other comments. I know my oinion means fuckall but your takes stand out in many ways. Respect.

Did you say anything when Pelosi tore up Trump’s SOTU speech like a liitle fuckin’ brat?

If you all want more effective gun bans, tell your legislators to hire someone with knowledge and stop writing stupid laws that focus on features like pistol grips, collapsible stocks, flash hiders and barrel shrouds.

Look...even I got caught up. Then I read other info and once again, never fails, there’s more to the story.

So simple minded. That’s all it ever is, the way you fools tell it.

I didn’t say anything of the sort. This person wasn’t shot for stealing a car.

Dunno how a civil war would work with so many factions. There’s no simple North vs South. Not saying it was that simple back then but it was much, MUCH more defined than what we have now.

Would permanent brain damage be horrifying?

I thought it was just The Poot. Now I see it’s apparently all the linked sites. Heck even their car site has this lyin’ lefty crap!

Once again you buy into alarmism and claims by people who intentionally leave out crucial info.

Justice like proper health care to treat a potentially dangerous condition?

Like the warning sign that the baby had dangerously high bilirubin levels that could cause brain damage if not treated promptly and correctly?

“My guess is that the bilirubin level was more elevated than the family admitted, and that the pediatrician advised phototherapy treatment and the family refused it.”

“They are implying that the baby was removed because they are black”

Why do they ALWAYS LIE?

There’s no mention of the neighbor in the story.

Dr. Anand Bhat. Old white pediatrician?