
“Stop, man, just let me out,” the officer yells as he pulls out his firearm. “Let me go!”

Activist argument. Although...getting long-term, tangible property is how it starts.

Here? Sure, some, maybe. Lots? Dunno. It’s a common complaint here. You’re far from the first to point it out and this is certainly not the only time it happened. Maybe just chance that you’ve not seen it before. My experience is it’s more often than not something vaguely related at best. I stopped even bothering.

Incredibly fucking stupid.

Are you trying to fuck with SEO algorithms by pretending having lots of links to other articles make this article more meaningful?”

There are better pictures than that. The Root clearly hates her and has utilizes the tried and true tactic of using a terribly unflattering pic to influence opinion.

It’s astounding how it’s the same shit over and over.

“This Detroit Woman’s Sudden Eviction”


Yeah but I’m a ‘lackwit’.

You’re a level headed person. What do you think of this:

How is it The Root NEVER bothers to do even minimal research?

Damn you picked an unflattering pic for Lightfoot.

Seems that ‘cold turkey’ would be a bad idea. The therapy should have been first, independent of hormones, and definitely not stopped (but somehow I find it hard to believe that part)


All according to ONE man’s claims. As usual from Maddow. And you want to talk about cherry picking.

Right. All I said is it happened.

So now you’re just arguing with everyone, huh?