
Think they had separate fountains?

No doubt. Hollering at someone when you’re not even staff is pretty ridiculous.

Just screamin’ and flappin’ his arms. In public. More performative theater.

What they’ve done is push convoluted bills that focus on the scary irrelevant features of evil black rifles. I recently read the Colorado proposal and it’s an absolute FARCE. They claim that collapsible stocks allow for an increased rate of fire and better accuracy’s just so fucking dumb it’s unbelievable.

They call that the Michael Byrd.

Well...that crackuh was trespassing, remember.

“The exhibit highlights how sleep is often a luxury for Black people, pulling from data that suggests Black Americans are more sleep-deprived than white Americans.”

The Root rarely fails to turn a valid argument (rudeness in a museum) into a racial struggle and then send it into space with a stupid, stupid level up.

It’s retro.

Coming from you that’s rich.

To be fair...quiet was part of the intended presentation.

Yay! Fuckery!

They have NO problem excusing sexual assault.

“And guess who commits most of it?”

“one of 34 (35?) separate charges”

The indictement is absolutely political theater. Come on. You can hate Trump, and even rightfully, but come on. That foreperson’s behavior aline demonstrates the charade. So do the claims about the purported number of counts.

That may or may not be true. Has nothing to do with ‘violent MAGA zealots’ going after Bragg.

“Neither a felony conviction nor actually serving time disqualifies someone from running for Federal office.”

“What Bragg needs STAT is the most efficient group of bodyguards, cause the violent MAGA zealots are gonna come for him”