
That’s pretty darn pathetic. People using words they don’t understand or have distorted. Like ‘nazi’ and ‘fascist’.

Oh. You already pointed out the bullshit choke claim.

The local NAACP is backing her 100%. That makes them con artists too.

This is all so silly.

You forgotnall the uh, um, eh and looking at notebook.

Well there’s the virtue signaling too.

I just think it’s funny to demand that of someone. Corporations donate money all the time. Doesn’t indicate sincerity.

Not even most of our ancestors.

“Apologize in a material way! Donate money”

Aren’t all these quotes from quite a while ago? Or at least some. I think The Poot did one of their classic reaches.

Or queen. She’s not a queen either.

Oh damn. There’s some sleuthing.

BIG time. Gotta make sure to call everything racist. Drive that wedge as far in as possible.

An ex said her sister was a surrogate for Bassett. I never bothered to try to verify but looking back...why would AB choose a fair-skinned Latina as a surrogate?

“you can also point to how the term “Auntie” was used historically by white people”

Nailed it.

Remember the murdered ranch hand that Mr. Mallery tried to claim was a message, or was supposed to be him?

Super rational. Deserves a nod.

Not sarcasm. Yes I’ve been there. Not extensively but I know it is overall a beautiful place populated mostly by people who just want to live their lives. As usual a corrupt power structure and a small subset fucks things up.