
4. Disband or SEVERELY limit police unions.

Looked quite personal. Directed.

Adding to this madness, it’s now rmored that several of these guys had ties to Vice Lords gang.

Still true. This guy didn’t beat anyone, but he’s being investigated and will likely be fired and even prosecuted.

Gotta find that whiteness.

Different category to me, but some pretty outlandish perspectives sometimes. Not quite the same as the consistently violent outbursts the other fucks are guilty of. Notably, the worst ones are likely all white. Nothin’,worse than white guilt.

I try. Haven’t seen ‘wrestlefire’ in a bit, and still waiting for that scrawny pothead Russell Barth to make good on his claim that he has my ip address.

The weirdos here are extra weird.

Not upset. Trying to help you get some new material. Your history is filled with the same lame attempts at claims of superiority. Over and over again, often verbatim.

What? Are you going to try to act like I am incapable of recognizing and calling out brutality?

You say the same shit, over and over, in response to anything you don’t like. Get a new canned response.

Maybe you. I hope not because obsession is unhealthy. In general, and this site specifically: flooded with it.

I was referring to the kente/kneeling event, not in general. They all pander and it definitely works on a surprisingly large scale.

“Black people rarely worry about the affairs of white people.”

It looks almost personal, actually.

Dude. Stfu. They beat the fucking shit out of this guy. After he was cuffed! Took turns!

Wow you’re fuckin’ eloquent aren’t ya.

Did it? I find that hard to believe. I can’t imagine anyone not being able to see right through that ridiculous display.

Right back atcha.

Forgot the kneeling and needing help getting up. Or the asshole checking their phone during that ridiculous display.