
“If 20 people shove a pig while in a crowd of thousands of peaceful protesters, they will claim a “riot””


Ah yes, because white people are notorious for ajttacking asians.

Turns out there’s a damn picture of the guy.

They do that every fuckin’ time.

Most reports said it was an asian dude. Monterey Park is heavily asian

So...damn near none.

Holy word salad batman!

Bullshit it is.

OF COURSE she’s just another self-loathing liberal mayo monkey.

Gotta admit it’s...interesting to watch this bullshit fan out and propagate in such ridiculous ways. It’s unfortunate for the ones who are sincere though.

Since when is vampire or cannibal?

My god this chick sounds like an absolute fucking flake.

Did you just advocate for chopping dude’s dick off?

You know damn well it’s intended to be condescending. I told you I don’t like being called billy and yet you did it again. The intent is clear. So...dismissed.

Fuck off with that billy crap.

There is no mention of hate speech in The Constitution.

You’re not violent towards anyone you impudent ineffectual little shit. You do nothing but talk shit. You’d fold like an accordion at the slightest in-Person provocation.

Come on...doesn’t really seem necessary to punch her in the face, asshole or not.