
What would you do with the worst of the worst?

A cop who had nothing to do with what happened.

Can’t tell if you’re serious.


That’s the first time you’ve noticed that? Every single article here is filled with links that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual article. I think it’s a way to get more page views.

Of course it says she’s white. Gotta keep that narrative runnin.

She wasn’t arrested for not apologizing.

You’re just now noticing this?

No one said anything about feeling threatened.

Seems that asking her to leave is far less harsh than failing her. She wasn’t arrested for not apologizing, or for yelling, or for anything but pitching a fit. The video, as usual, is deceptively edited.

Don’t bother. The outrage locusts are swarming. Facts are meaningless.

You’re actually hilarious. Your fuckin’ fake outrage and anger is humorous to me.

Oh shit. Don’t put a gun to my head!

To the historians here, does this seem accurate?

When are they going to declare MS13 a public health crisis? Santa Ana is a fuckin’ nightmare.

God for DeLeon manning up and not putting up with bullshit.

Look at the way that tweet twists what happened. It’s astounding how often these professional aggressors play the victim.

Nice fuckin’ twisting of what happened. That Reedy fucker is a known agitator who routinely gets physical with people.

Interesting trying to drag Air bnb into this. They had nothing to do wth it yet here they are having to do this struggle session bullshit.