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Why the heck wouldn’t it be Daren?

Yawn. Broken fuckin’ record. Your wannabe violence is tedious as fuck.

Literally not ‘on top’ of the stars. And the homeless are there because they’ve been invited.

Well...homeless people in general.

Dang black girls there sure have white names! Cydney? (nice spelling.) Kaylyn?

“POC on this campus are making a call to action that this is invesated IMMEDIATELY”

Hold on...public funds...? Just...’granted’?

Thought the article would pull the card but nope. Of course you wacko commenters did!

Holy CRAP you guys just can’t contain yourselves ! He DEFENDED her! How is that making it about himself?

Yeah I’m pretty sure Hollywood street wackos aren’t concerned about being polite.

How the fuck do you know he was white? Did you even read the article? The heckler’s gripe was with rich people not black people. Jesus what the hell is wrong with you?

Your typical, tired response.

Surprisingly, the article doesn’t point out the heckle’s race...which probably means something. But of course that’s what you run with. An irrelevant assumption. The heckler was pissed about wealth disparity but you convince yourself it was yet another whitey holdin’ a black woman down.

Probably a white dude.

Surely an honest mistake.


“I believe it’s there, but that’s from a small minority of people that I come into contact with,”


I read it just fine. Refusing donations from corporations. Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft are...corporations.