billber ID needed to become a student?

“never heard a fucking monkey”

Funny...out of curiosity I played the audio, with no context, for several people. I asked them what it sounded like. Not one of them said a monkey.

I disagree.

Oh lord what a surprise. She wasn’t arrested for not paying. She was arrested for a failure to appear, AND...wouldn’t ya know it, a history of the same failure to pay and other issues.

“Black Women Arrested”

Whoa. Name change.

BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA yes I’ve heard him speak. You have to watch the video to get the hilarity. I’m not going to explain it to you.

From “Black Enterprise”: Several Black parents whose children attend Mary Lin Elementary have come to Briscoe’s defense.

As usual, The Root misrepresents.

That shit was HILARIOUS. I didn’t know you’d sound like that, Net ‘n’ Yoohoo!

Once again you forgot to say ‘fuckery.’ Disappointing.

Good food and a personal trainer don’t make your head double in size. They both look like Overeem!

I didn’t know you’d sound like that, Net ‘n’ yoohoo!

Pullin’ a Joaquin Phoenix huh?

I’m not a huge fan of symbolism, intrigue. I’m more of a direct statement kinda guy, but I can recognize and appreciate someone playing the system.

Dude when he did that Net ‘n’ Yoohoo thing and broke character it was all obvious to me. Plus, again, Milo has stated QUITE clearly that he intends to destroy Trump. PLUS Nick Fuentes is controlled opposition, just a replacement for Richard Spencer who was never really a right winger.

He’s also very much intentionally undermining Trump. Milo has stayed his intention to do so quite clearly. bad. it? I was being facetious. Are you saying it was obvious, explicit racism? I thought you were on the ‘could’ve been a mistake’ side.