
“and make sure the incident travels with their job history.”

Tha fuck is a Beyhive? Oh that a thing? Oh lord.

Please acknowledge the odds of someone blatantly, intentionally calling a black CUSTOMER at their JOB a MONKEY are quite low.’s MD...there’s a good chance the employee isn’t even white!

Wait...if they ‘probably misheard’ the name...why disciplined or fired?

Don’t they call out the customer’s name, too?

“just misspelled Monique and is more dumb than racist”

Those things are sweeter than any milkshake I’ve ever had.

“asking about a student of color’s “natural hair.”

Playin’ it up for the impending lawsuit.

Weren’t you just railing about counting other people’s money?

What city do I live in, pothead? Heck...what STATE?

I am not familiar with Beyonce’s actions. No surprise if she’s a massive hypocrite. They usually are.

Who am I, dopehead? You’re full of shit.

The obvious conclusion is that Cuban is rrrraaaycist.

Trying to pronounce your name phonetically is a nightmare :)

What? Procurement Specialist is a respectable position!

She does seem like a good person and incredibly tolerant considering how much of a degenerate he is.

Stern’s kinda a bitch too.

Hey at least he didn’t mention her relationship with Weinstein.

From another post: