
Well...they watched the one with the ‘cotton’ ‘incident’ all worked up over that, wanted heads on a pike...and the moved on. Just like damn near every other fucking time a non-event gets twisted into one.

Oh was it not stated it was a crackuh? I’m not going back to look.

Shut up you scrawny, impotent, ineffectual overgrown brat. Go smoke more weed and take your fucking meds.

there isn’t very good evidence for the south african emerald mine story

Ah yes. Will Wheaton sucking up, virtue-signalling and using ‘big’ words.

None of you give a fuck about this brutal, disturbing murder.

You didn’t watch the video.

Also, calling what happened ‘chants’ is deliberately deceitful. You know damn well you’re implying it was THAT WORD ‘chanted’ and that none of these lazy outrage locusts will bother to listen to the audio.

Did you watch the fucking video? Better yet, just listen to the audio.

“Trying really hard to paint someone with the same tired old brush.”

For being right? Nah.

Yeah...doubt that’ll happen. Did they cover all the sneak attacks on ancient asians? The knockout game stuff?

Please tell me you’re not saying Kim isn’t an attention whore.

When Krasner, a longtime civil rights and criminal defense attorney, announced his candidacy for Philadelphia district attorney in 2017, the local police union called it “hilarious.” They stopped laughing after he won the Democratic primary, thanks in part to generous funding from a super PAC connected to liberal

Keeeeep reachin’, root.

You didn’t even watch the video. It’s ONE ‘piece of shit’ and it ain’t ape/monkey sounds. The person is simply ‘shrieking’ to distract the player on a freethrow.

A) LMFAO @ ‘monkey noises’. They’re just scream noises. Anyone calling those deliberate monkey noises is lying and LOOKING for rrrrracism.

No books are banned in the US.

Ah. You’re one of those, huh?

Sounds like a smear campaign to me. You’re NOT allowed to offend ze jews.