
Uh oh. The ‘S’ part in PRS ain’t what was claimed. Where’s the White Savior sendin’ the formula...?

And if they had put a mirror sticker and black students’ moms got wind they’d flip over that too.

No. They’re not.

We’re not going anywhere, psycho.

Maybe Mulaney thinks Chappelle’s funny? As do the thousands who go to see him? And Mulaney?

The attempted murder was clearly Chappelle’s fault too.

Oh boy. You called ‘em transvestites.

Again with the Ambushed nonsense. speech does not apply to recording commercial events! How can you possibly say something so dumb?

Telling a joke or two is obsession?

Yup. Basically KKK. They still lynch people there!

You’re just another one-trick pony. You scream the same shit in EVERY post you make. Heck, it’s like you have a template. Fuck fuck bitch white fuckery.

btw I didn’t say he’s broken, or crazy. He’s SICK, obviously...but no more than you who thinks ALL white people are murderous demons planning your demise.

You’re fucking insane, woman. Absolutely off your rocker.

STALKING you? Holy crap. OK. You’re scrambled.

You responded to me, dolt.

Is NOT intended specifically for Azov. Dangit.

Dey dindu nuffin’. Talk about playing fucking games.

Ha! Funny! I play banjo and am good at clogging, too!

The Root = Fox for black people (and pandering white fucks like TPJohnson)

It’s systemic. Get your slogan terminology correct.