
I agree they’re headfucking people’s just fucking INSANE to pretend it’s a white thing.

Whoa. Burn. The same stupid crap you post every time. You’re clearly incredibly simple-minded and lacking any creativity.

Oh my. Big ol’ OOPS. That was meant for someone else. You’re 100% on point if you ask me. I think you are being impressively civil in the face of childish attacks from several directions. I’ve read this whole dang conversation and you’re one of the few being rational and not just screeching like a banshee.

So... two employees under contract (very well-compensated) has a hissy-fit right before a show...and they’re the victims.


Zero mention of Fox encouraging shootings in that link. Fail.

Which kinda contradicts the ‘right wing is all racist’ thing dunnit? They want all babies to get a chance, even moreso the black ones.

It’s crystal clear how pathetically immature you are. You just justified callin’ a person a ‘beeyatch’ (only a dumb white teen would do that) so you could get away with calling her a bitch.

My man...I have a feeling the most angry fuckers on here are all white.

The point is your impotent white rage is hilarious.

“Bring the case, on its merits, to Federal Court in D.C”

Brownie points for fitting most of the scare words in there. I think you forgot nazi and ‘Great Replacement’


God damn I bet you’re a BLAST to be around in person.

Like Maddow did?

YOU are all now talking about it more than ANY fucked up ypipo ever have! Dems have been celebrating the notion for years. I don’t have to prove a darn thing. I know it’s true and so do you.

Says the little shit who begs for attention on Twatter and youtube and doesn’t have the stones to act on its convictions.

Reasoned and rational. Not buyin’ into the attempts at manipulation. Solid.

Here comes Crump the Chump, smellin’ blood.

At least I’m not a coward who wishes harm on others but doesn’t have the guts to confront them.