
Holy SHIT some of you are nuckin’ futs!

Did you say something? All I heard was lunatic screeching.

Oh...we’re back to the words are violence thing. You’re off your rocker. I can’t even tell wtf you’re arguing except you said you wish chappelle was shot. For that and that alone you are insane and dangerous. I have zero nterest in anything you spew. Fuck off.

I’m a bigot because I don’t condone violence?

And...suuuurrrrpriiiise! The idiots on The Spew...I mean The View...blame this on Trump!

You’re absolutely ridiculous.

The line is clear with these kooks. Well...not quite clear since they always move it, but basically whatever they whimsically decide, goes.

So, by your rules, for all the shit you’re talking, you deserve a beatdown. Cool. Got it. Hopefully Chappelle sends his goons after you.

You’re an idiot.

Oh you were serious? So..what “actions” did Chappelle commit that deserve consequences? Because as far as I can tell he uses words.

I find myself doubting damn near everything these days. We’ve been pushed and pulled and jerked around so much it all seems suspicious.

Margaret Sanger

Fully understand and agree with you. It’s primitively satisfying to see instant retribution. I absolutely find myself viewing things that way too.

institution that was founded to capture and torment Black people.”

Uh oh. Careful!

BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA look! It’s The Root’s own RaineyB!

Better watch out you’ll rile up the pretender defenders.

Agree. Jamie Fox is that kind over the top guy. Then again...Chappelle’s pretty darn distinguished in that field.

I’m not to keen on the beating. If it was professional security, their job is to squash a threat, not mete out punishment.

Yeah, comedians get rushed fairly regularly. I have seen at least a dozen instances. It’s still rare enough and surprising enough to not expect to need security posted across the front of the stage like at a punk gig.