
Still pending...

You don’t have to believe me. It’s fact. Spencer’s AK had the serial number removed. He and his woman were under investigation for gun running. The AR he brought was purchased by her, for him. Illegally.

There’s plenty of it, readily provided in the press conference and report. Bet not a single person here bothered to look.

Also, I guarantee you think EVERY time a black person dies it’s racism. You didn’t read the facts about this case. The investigation was extensive and thorough and the family lied from the start.

Unhinged as heck. I didn’t make a joke about lynching. Heck no it’s not funny.

Please acknowledge ‘non-whites’ do the exact same thing and that it’s ridiculous across the board.

You’re very patient. None of these folks have, will, or even want to look at the (admittedly bizarre) facts surrounding this case.

I don’t know if it was linked, but this is the most detailed writeup I’ve found:

by the way..”YOU PEOPLE?”

There’s some historical validity to your post but you’re unhinged as it gets.

Stiff evidence like forensics, ballistics, on-site evidence, corroboration of timeline by a neighbor, and a months-long investigation?

So just randomly charge everyone. Just because, huh?

Only ne with an AK was the deceased. A stolen one, by the way. The other rifle present was an AR, straw-purchased by the deceased’s girlfriend.

And who murders hundreds of their own kind every single weekend?

Klanada. How pathetic.

Yeah, those kids were gonna lynch your son. And these guys planned to kill this man. Because he’s black.


Studies are inherently flawed. Men work far more hours, seek high-risk/high-paying jobs, and stick with them.

Always finding the racism, sexism, and making excuses.