Exactly! Most of Kotaku's attempt to bash male gamers for being sexist is rather weak, shallow and awfully forced.
Exactly! Most of Kotaku's attempt to bash male gamers for being sexist is rather weak, shallow and awfully forced.
Man, LG...they make some good stuff but their phones are not one of them imo. My cousin has one, the build quality isn't that good. If they are going for a Nexus device they better up the ante and make it a Galaxy destroyer.
I didn't even notice the leopard until it got ready to jump. That was actually pretty cool. Also the impala jumped really high, I'm impressed by both of them.
Nokia N9 user here. Swipe UI is the best, the only button it needs is one to turn on / off the phone. Too bad others won't get a chance to try it out though. Flicking apps away is so much faster than pushing buttons.
I swear it's such an obvious solution, it didn't even occur to me :P
To be fair though, not everyone browses reddit.
I don't have one.
They are already banned, but stores are allowed to sell their remaining stock.
Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League is the only football game I need :P
Fuck it, I'm buying it. Not because I care about the game, but because the devs have integrity and don't cave in under pressure and I want to support people like that. I hate it when some (usually a vocal minority) try to force their own values upon all of us, be it about stupid breast physics in video games,…
I'd play that.
Question: Can a wired and a wireless mouse work at the same time or will Windows choose one and use only that?
Cool, but I still only want it for emulation.
See for yourself (I've included a picture, but I don't trust the commenting system to work, so if it doesn't show up, Google: 'genius t220 netscroll')
The music was annoying instead of relaxing. Who is with me?
As a Romanian, how the hell is Romania the 5th? Beating W. Europe? oh...wait, cheap beer. Move along.
Scroll wheels failed me too and that's why I bought a mouse that has an optical sensor instead of a mechanical wheel.
My only gripe is that they should have used a physics engine that runs for everyone with exactly the same effects.
Exactly! If I didn't care enough to read the article, but usually read the comments. Before I saw this comment I thought exactly that. Patch.
Well this commercial is shit anyway. The only reason it got so much attention is because there was a well know actor there. However he wasn't Kevin Butler. He just stood there like an imbecile and this new one just shows that it doesn't make a differences whether he is there or not (he practically didn't even have to…