I'm surprised I haven't seen a "get back to Jezebel" comment yet.
Same here. I only recognize Jesus because he's the only one who bothers converting imperial units into metric (and bless his keyboard for it, saves me that 3 seconds it would take to Google convert it).
Oh dear, Nintendo couldn't find a more uglier colour for their boxes than that?
We need a new Populous game and while we're at it, a Black & White and Dungeon Keeper too.
Looks fugly. Looks gimmicky too. I'd probably never get this even if I had that money to waste on a keyboard.
So, I assume this is USA only right?
But the planes lights were still working.
Or have all your game saves in the cloud. It might be a lot of work, but it can be worth it. You just have to create an NTFS junction so that each savegame folder also appears in your Dropbox folder. Bam, Steam Cloud for all your games...sorta.
Dammit! region blocked. Looks like I'll have to sit like normal people.
Well it's not like it'll be translated into English so you're better of getting the PC version imo.
So I'm using an USB antenna and I have a few ports on the top of my PC's case. Wifi signal is dead, if I'm lucky, I get 1 line. Add a cable and move it in any direction(roughly 30-40 centimetres) and hello full signal strength.
It will be on Steam, but if you buy it from the dev's site, you'll get a Steam key when the game will be approved.
Here's the Reddit post about it that pretty much made most of us aware of this
But with the patch you can see here always.
What are you talking about? I was saying the nude patch is already done, here you go
Game runs great too here on an AMD card. Granted I had to tweak the game using command line options, but it can be fixed to run properly.
Partly that could have been a factor. The pop-in was mostly affected by CPU performance. The textures were in a compressed form which had to be uncompressed on the fly. nVidia users had the added benefit of being able to offload some of the calculations to their GPU using CUDA.
It's been done already.
I'd only get this to run emulators on the TV, but I'll wait until this is actually out and people give it a go.