The games sounds (the VAs and especially the music is great imo) and looks nice (fix lip syncing though), but if you ask me you can't really judge the gameplay.
The games sounds (the VAs and especially the music is great imo) and looks nice (fix lip syncing though), but if you ask me you can't really judge the gameplay.
Crap. Region blocked again.
Yes because Mark can pass as a playboy right? In all fairness they look like a completely normal couple. I hope it won't end in divorce.
Is the download version DRM free?
Absolutely, you are right. We could say that the downloader profits too. But I was specifically speaking of profiting as in monetary gain, earning money.
Talking about hypothetical "what if" scenarios is a mute point imo. You can say that Crytek was hurt because people opted to not pay for their game, but you could just as easily argue that their bottom line wasn't hurt because the pirates wouldn't have been customers anyway.
In the first scenario nobody is profiting and you only "distributed" to one person (yourself).
Now this is the piracy everybody should fight. In this case people are reaping profits and actually hurting business. When people download for personal consumption it's a completely different story.
I think it's funny how people (read Smash Bros. fans) feel like they and their franchise is threatened by this game and then go into hater mode in the comments.
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.
I'm not from the US. But it doesn't matter where I am from, I don't have millions which would allow me to retire for life. If I'd have I'd already be in a tax haven and have a team of eggheads writing you back a witty reply.
Where I live you can only give away 2% of your tax as charity.
Fuck it. I'd do the same. From that $100 million I'd have to pay $16 million to the state for which they basically did nothing. I'd rather cut it all up or give it to charity then to my government.
Give me smarter AI please. Graphics are cool and all, but there is more to a game then looks.
I like both and unlike many others in the comments, on the old pic she actually looks older imo. If I didn't know I'd say she is 16 while on the new pic I'd give her 13-14.
Fighting over controllers is pointless imo, at least I never bother. I own both Xbox 360 and DS3. They have their pros and cons but I like them equally. By that I mean it doesn't bother me which one I use.
I'll skip this generation and probably the next one. Just bought two 6970s a year ago and I'm not that high on cash to be able to switch components every time something comes out that obliterates my current setup.
This needs to happen. I live next to a busy road and the amount of noise these trucks make is incredible. During the day you don't really notice it, but at night you either keep your windows closed for some quiet or you have to turn the volume up and get the neighbours angry at you.
My only problem with Steam is that it doesn't display which games use Steam Cloud when your library is in "Detail View"