
Agent Orange is overkill. Also it's a herbicide (i.e. kills plants). Pesticide/insecticide kills insects. It's not the same and the spraying against mosquitoes/ticks wasn't banned because of health concerns, it was environmental concerns (some nice and friendly insects died too).

The TL;DR version: ...because you got nothing to lose.

Their website is horrible!

Insecticide man, get in a plane and spray the fuckers. I swear fuck the EU. They banned insecticides now we have mosquito and tick infestations everywhere.

True. I was disappointed by MW for it's lack of customisation after NFSU2, but I now realise that those two were the best NFS games from the tuner series. At this point I'd be satisfied if they'd patch in widescreen support for those two.

Just release an official widescreen patch for Most Wanted and sell the game to me again EA.

I say CDs will be gone first...or dare I say optical media (but this is pushing it).

That's what I do too. ;-)

Their chrome xbox controller is pretty damn good. Now if they'd make a chrome DS3, I'd think about getting one for myself. I wish I could justify the Xbox one as well, but I'd only use it on PC and it's not very frequently.

You have to know somebody, who knows somebody, whose friend can recommend you to his superiors.

Meh, the competition is not open for everyone.

This is a really bad idea. I could go into details why, but I'm lazy to write it out, so let's say that I bought a PS1 game today and it still works. I'd really like that I could do this ten years from now with Orbis or Durango games.

They are not required to. Although in this circumstance it's advisable.

Yeah, they used that as justification/trying to give bad rep for Steam. I just wanted to say with this that Apple isn't the first to do this and wanted to stop the hypocrite haters before they arrived to the comments.

That was the point.

EA left because(according to them) Valve wouldn't let them sell DLC directly in the game

This is essentially what Steam is doing. That's why EA stopped releasing new games on it.

Since the topic of custom covers came up, allow me to brag about my Bloody Roar cover(because I'm proud of how it came out).

If it ain't broke don't fix it. (language)

No, but I was never interested in them to begin with.