
I went to high school in a rich town in northern NJ in the early ‘80s. Kid in my class got a brand new Datsun 280ZX as a 17th birthday present. He wrapped it around a tree and totaled it inside of 2 months. (He was, thankfully, unhurt.) Its replacement was a VW Scirocco. It fared better but still accumulated its share

This is like when Harley tried to sue Honda over allegedly copying Harley’s “signature” “potato-potato-potato” exhaust note, back in the ‘90s. The same response applies: “If they hired as many engineers as lawyers, they’d build a vehicle people wanted to buy.”

Vangelis did the music, presaging his collaboration with Ridley Scott in Blade Runner. There was an homage to this commercial in the movie Watchmen, since it’s so quintessentially “’80s”. (It’s in the very beginning, where The Comedian is watching TV late at night.)

ABS light *and* an airbag light?  Run, do not walk, away.  If it’s so cheap to get that stuff fixed, why hasn’t the seller had it done?  Also in my state (Massachusetts) either of those things alone  would cause the car to fail safety inspection.

Along with my wife, Morgan Fairchild, yeah, that’s the ticket

I believe those are sold in Costco, or were.  I considered buying one but finally ended up buying a reconditioned Herman Miller Aeron.

And hopefully it doesn’t take him ten years to get there.

Reminds me of the song (poem, really) “Dig Me” by King Crimson.  “What was deluxe, becomes debris,” indeed.

Like a seagoing Jeep with one of those “No Problem/ɯǝlqoɹԀ” stickers.

Or Stan Rogers.

Anyone know how to disable the blaring ads on Speedway gas pumps?  Those just went in in my area and I’ve been avoiding Speedway ever since because of it.

I have wanted one of these cars since seeing that movie. 

Overnight charging is only a thing if you can park next to where you sleep, in a garage or driveway spot attached to your dwelling. This makes homeownership almost a requirement. If you’re stuck parking on the street, or in a condo or apartment complex parking lot without an assigned, deeded parking space, you’re SOL.

There’s a common if incorrect belief that infants below a certain age either can’t feel or can’t remember pain. Medical science has always known better but this belief persists. Because a parent has greater control over an infant’s environment than they do over that of an older child, it’s also a common belief that

Amazon has discontinued their price-drop policy. I just tried to get a refund on a pair of monitors that I bought a few days ago only to be told they no longer issue refunds.