Bruce from Missouri

I’m kinda surprised that a woman that spectacularly unnatractive somehow became a YouTube star. It’s nice to have talent, but YouTube success usually takes beauty, or at least a certain degree of hotness. That’s why the lady influencers always have their titties out.

We’d be dropping nukes on the Champs Elysee..

I’ve got a picture that my dad took 50 years ago of our 1963 VW Combi under that same tree...and another one that my grandfather took a few years earlier than that of his Chevy Suburban under that tree. I haven’t scanned them yet or I would post them here.

Oh... I never really noticed the Minnesota accent before seeing the movie, and admittedly it’s exaggerated, but not as much as you think. I’ve traveled quite a bit to Minnesota and Wisconsin over the years, and I hear some version or another of the “Fargo” accent all the time when I’m there.

I don’t think Cap is dead, I think he is retired, and living in another time line with Peggy Carter.

There’s been so much meaning drift with the term “fridging”, it’s annoying as hell. Of the top of my head, IIRC the original meaning was a female character whose only reason for being created was to be killed to cause Our Hero man-pain and force him to start his heroes journey. The character typically was not given

I’ve always said that Ferris probably grew up to be one of those Enron assholes, then probably moved onto mortgage fraud in 2008, and is probably involved in every billionaire scam since.

I was involved in a Winter Olympic sport for over 40 years, that until recent years in the U.S. was dominated by east European Ethnics. I remember as recently as the 1990's hearing “Cheap Jew” and “Dumb Polack” jabs being tossed between longtime friends from the dais at the annual convention. I believe an influx of

Out of curiousity, where are you from? Maybe it’s kind of regional. The last time I remember that word in pop culture was 80-something Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino.

I bet Sam Jackson was responsible for that joke. He’s been racially trolling the easily offended since at least Jackie Brown, where he ad-libbed a whole bunch of N-words just to annoy Spike Lee. He loves doing that shit.

I “clocked” the Robeson joke, but I am 57 years old and studied that period of history in college(and wrote a 15 page paper on music and radical politics). I imagine it sailed over the head of most people under retirement age. I imagine the “spook” joke did also, since that is both an archaic slur, and archaic term

Do we actually know what age her character is supposed to be? It’s always possible that she is playing younger than her actual age. That happens a LOT nowadays. Much of the “teen” cast of Yellowjackets is 30-ish, for instance.

She had open heart surgery in 2012 to repair damage caused by her drug abuse, so yeah, her “bottom” was pretty far down.

That was a little later...late ‘70's to early ‘80's. Back then normies didn’t know who Ozzy or Black Sabbath were. They were big stars if you were a hard rocker or metalhead, but invisible to the culture at large

I never believed them for a minute that it wasn't over the DUIs...they can say what they want, but they were a little too obvious. They wrecked it good chunk of Hurley's back story just to get rid of Watros.

Sorry... wasn’t thinking .outside the point I was trying to make.

The Watros thing is why I am convinced that it was at least partly about the DUI’s. They clearly had a long term plan for her and Hurley that they just threw out. If it was just Rodriguez you can make the argument that she only had a one year contract. I think she was on the way out, but that they wrote Watros into

That was several years later...and he’s a dude. Plus, he didn’t actually make it to the end.

No argument there.

I think it’s possible that the Perrineau thing might have been partly racial, but I think it was mostly a classic fuckup (maybe the first example of it) of a show that does not move in real time: You can’t have a child character/actor. Malcolm David Kelley grew so much that recappers and other entertainment writers