
BLM is the sole reason these issues are even being discussed on a national level right now. I’d say that validates their methods, however inconvenient they happen to be for political campaigns.

i agree with this theory, i’m on a low fat diet and am miserable. what i wouldn’t give for a 5 guys burger and fries right now

Nope. Bill is far more interested in protecting his record than her winning. And the consequences of that poorly thought out and knee jerk reaction Crime Bill has become a serious issue in this campaign. That makes the tens of thousands of young black men in prison for minor offenses a problem that Bill caused. Bill

Actual Gchat I just had with my GF:

Let’s say, in theory, Bill Clinton secretly, in his heart, did not want Hillary to become President.

Would he be doing differently on the campaign trail?

I ate one of my teeth one time because I thought it was part of my day-old bagel.

Jesus. I have adenomyosis and endometriosis, so I have seen some horrible things, but that tops everything.

Well this was gross and semi-impressive too. When I gave birth to my first I had to be induced. My labor wasn’t progressing like they wanted so the Dr came in to break my water. She told me that I might feel a little trickle and then there was an audible pop and my water sprayed out a good three feet from my body. The

Rich Kids of Beverly Hills

“In life you have to chose the side of freedom,” he said. Rather than covering women up, “we must teach (Muslim) women to revolt, to take their clothes off, to learn to live like most of the women in the rest of the world.

That’s a Shonda thing that I don’t get. Many of her strong female characters have all there shit together yet still somehow beholden to men and gullible around them in a way that seems contradictory.

Questions about her fame and her family’s fame. How does she think they differ? Does she think she’s famous because of her family or she would be in this position without her family? Why or why not? Does she want to differentiate herself completely from her family and their fame? Her younger sister is even more

me trying to choose between carnitas or barbacoa

Everything about Tyga and Kylie’s night out makes me uncomfortable. The casual flashing of a gun, the casual flashing of a gang sign, the casual flashing of Kylie’s underwear when Tyga pulled her skirt up for whoever was filming them making out.

To construct an “African-American affinity segment,” Facebook would look at indicators like whether someone was a member of an African American Chamber of Commerce Facebook group

This is 2016. Can't we get some fucking designer shoes that are shaped like an actual persons foot?

Something like this just happened to a friend’s mom last night - she saw a cyclist laying in the road, he’d been hit by a car (hit & run), his legs were shattered, and he told her that he’d been lying there for quite some time while cars just drove by. She called an ambulance for him and waited with him.

I have reached the sad conclusion that as long as Shonda keeps popping out Grey’s episodes I will keep watching.

Liv and Mellie are perfect together and no one else matters. Fitz is irrelevant in so many ways.