“You people” as in “you american people”
30 seasons and no black woman/man ever made it to the top 4? Damn... How can you people have a black president and no black bachelor yet?
Definetely yes, one of my colleague regularly says goodbye to me by adding “bye and btw, God still doesn’t exist. Lol.” And I’m like why does it bother you So much that I believe in it? In 2016, live and let live people! And don’t waste any food on door handles !!
Haha ! That’s a good one ! Is there a book with all the known ways to damn/scare/repel muslims ? A book of shadows of some sort? That’d be hilarious !!
I have no idea why some muslims and non-muslims would be so literal about the “pork” issue. The book says “Don’t eat it”! Nuff said.
Since when is it forbidden to touch it? I’m muslim and I never heard of such thing... Also, I must repeat : pork is no kryptonite to us. Really. Save it for your lunch, it’d be of better use !
That’s why I’m mostly reading stuff rather than watching, I don’t have second thoughts about whether anybody was coerced into doing anything and I imagine the character the way I want them to be !
It happens to me sometimes when I stumble into videos featuring petite skinny no ass/hips/tits girls that have me like “this cannot be right, if they are not underage by a decade this is clearly designed for creeps and the likes !”
This cannot be right. Just reading it makes me sick So I barely imagine how people could enjoy watching a girl being beat up and choked...
I don’t understand why you felt bad reaching out for help and why you’re so adamant you want tot make it all by yourself. In addition to love, I think emotional and financial support is one thing that is to be considered normal in a family. It goes both ways. And I can’t imagine any parent that would be willing to let…
Was it worth an entire post? No. Does it make it any less cute? Hell no!
Well, I prefer a man not to perform oral sex if
I’ll probably go see it though, I like Sandra Bullock enough to....
So, how could we define this ? Sexism? Objectification of an innocent child? Sexualization of a child..?
Too soon
You really have to say dumb things like this to have media attention it seems...