
Those are Trump Voters trying to suppress info about their fuhrer. Good people. Just your fellow Americans.

Nasty teeth and faces. Not JO material. PASS.

Thanks. I’m shooting some “Great White Cream” out of my North Pole at these pics!

Time for a fast and furious JO sesh in honor of this hot Tracer!

And Europeans wonder why they are being taken over by Muslims and other foreigners. Your “men” have all become scrawny little cuck dorks too busy gaming 24/7.

but who cares?

Is Kotaku brought to us by Blizzard? Seems like the only games you cover anymore are Blizzard titles.

Too little too late man. This game’s been out for a LONG time now and their promise of timely updates and new maps/characters really fell flat. Plus the constant adjusting and the big concern over “buh buh buh the PROS.” Sorry Blizzard I’ve moved on BF1 is amazing.

Wow those jugs! Jacking it HARDCORE right now!

Skank needs to show more skin. Not gonna jack to a suit of armor. Come on bitch!

Those people don’t own homes you fucking dipshit

Fuck “eSports.” Fucking limp wristed little dorks. WHo givbes a shit if they have to “adjust their playstyle.” Jesus Christ. Do I have to not buy my kids next Lego set because some man-baby adults men want to host their next Pro Lego Builder game and releasing new sets is going to “make them get all mad?” We

this guy talks like a fucking retard

Guess I’ll be cranking my pud now for a few hours. So long productivity

Also knives. It seems strange to allow knives to be used by guests which could clearly injure or kill other guests. The scene where the d-bag friend of Williams stabs the guy in the hand for talking to them at dinner, what if that guy wasn’t a cyborg and just an annoying guest? Hope this park has good insurance.

Yep. They allude to the other parks in this series as well. In the first episode they mention the Medieval park briefly. And then the Dolores’s father robot who malfunctions reverts to memories from when he was in another park (quoting Shakespeare, etc). Maybe in this universe those parks aren’t all int he same

Fav if you’re jacking it too

Time to jack it boys

Look at those noodle armed little queers. Gamers. HAH.

Asian fetish much?