Why do the most toxic conservative slime always live so damn long?
Why do the most toxic conservative slime always live so damn long?
meh, cant see any skin or jiggly bits. 0/10
Who gives a shit? Maybe they can get real jobs now.
Anime is gay
Yeah i mean, it’s impressive that it’s POSSIBLE to do something like this in a SNES platform game, but really why? Like, ok, you made the hardest thing possible in this video game maker. Good job? Especially when a lot of these super hardcore players use tools that let them guide a computer to playing through the…
And the number one inaccuracy of all being that air vents would collapse under the weight of a man. I mean, they’re designed to move air and made out of thin aluminum. A 200lb man inside one would cause it to come crashing down.
Suck my dick and no ones reading your stupid blog post either faggot
Selling a game for $60 that is utter trash and nothing like what was advertised makes you a thief, not seeking a refund. So shut the fuck up Shiek Abdul Shammad Ackmed Towelhead.
Hmm, only two hotties. rest are gross. wont be fapping to this.
Now show that mom the overwatch porn
Wow douche bag Indian New Yorker feels entitled to everything. This has changed my view of everything.
confirmed incel noodle armed gamer here.
Spraying my seed all over. love these gals.
Would love to get my “fire keeper” inside her “bonfire” lol. Jacking it now. Beautiful
Why are Asians so stupid for this kiddie shit? Nations of pedophiles.
Kotaku should just change it’s name to No Man’s Skybart
He threw it in the crowd? French pig
Oh I see. Tis game just makes me mad because it’s not a game and it’s not good.
“majority of gamers are playing” LOL, yeah uh huh ok bud