
le master race. pc is superior. elite gamerz play pc for its superiority


Yeah pretty sure this dude has never played Overwatch if he thinks this.

I think that was the response to facing a stacked team. When they took the first point the lineup was different

That wasnt really a “turret takedown”. the other team was very clearly 1 torbjorn, 1 bastion, 1 hanzo, 1 mercy and 1 reinhardt. If anything THAT team was playing fair and fine and these video d-bags are a hero-stacking asshole group

I only counted one bastion. Also one torbjorn, one symmetra one mercy one hanzo and one reinhardt

He’s brown, what did you expect? The Escalade is the ultimate symbol of luxury and power to brown and black folk.

Here’s my impression of you: “Oh pewdiepie your dick is so big! Oh pewds. I love it up my ass. Oh baby I love you I will defend your honor online a long as you keep pumping me full of your superior cum!”

You’re the one fixated on his income kid. I never brought it up. but i’m not a nobody gamer who thinks income = importance or correctness. If we play by your standards since I make more money than you that means my opinion is more correct than yours so go cry some more on your shift at the Target.

is Pewdiepies cum think on your lips or is it the watery kind?

guess ill be jacking it for a while now.

No. I doubt it. landlord has no reason to lie. Eviciting someone is a pain, and then he has the loss of rent that comes until hes able to rent the place out again. Most likely pewdiepie is lying because he’s an entitled piece of Swedish trash who thinks the world stops and starts at his fucking convenience because he

nope. Sorry buddy but the law is pretty clear and noise can happen day or night. The landlord threw him out for violating that law. I bet it wasn’t his first warning either, but since he’s an entitled prick he thought the rules didnt apply to him.

Thank god he has nobodies like you to defend his honor. Keep it up and maybe someday he’ll invite you over and let you rim his asshole.

noise is noise is the point. Screaming all night so you can post your “lol he rape me pwned” youtube videos is just as obnoxious to a neighbor who isnt some 13-year-old gamer dweeb who has a weird sexual attraction to pewdiepie.

how does his cum taste?

Yeah living next to someone screaming all night is totally cool because hes a youtube star you have some sexual attraction too. OK buddy

This is what i think of whenever you gun loving gamer dweebs speak up. This is literally you

Not relevant. (In the US anyway) you have the legal right to “quiet enjoyment” of your apartment. If your scrawny little immigrant neighbor is screaming “raaaaaaaape! raaaaaaape!” at a video game all day long you can complain and he can get tossed out.

I play with a band in NYC. I dont get to play in my apartment. We have to rent a space and we don’t have the luxury of making millions of dollars from stupid video game youtube lets plays. So seriously, fuck pewdiepie. Entitled little prick.