
I’m not religious, but from what I understand, the New Testament is a new covenant with God, and mostly cancels out a lot of the “rules” found in the Old Testament. According to Christians, God and Jesus came up with reasons why certain of God’s laws don’t count and some do.

Trump will never call out his openly Anti-Semetic supporters

I don’t think the intent was in her words

Clinton won the popular vote

You’re really on a suicide kick today.. If you need to, give this number a call. 1-800-273-8255

It means you’re not supposed to use a literal American flag, or a piece of an actual flag.

If you’re wanting to compare what Ms. Owens says to Stage IV pancreatic cancer, it would be more like:

They looked like regular white people who kiss their dogs in the mouth and enjoy the occasional Pat Benatar ditty.

Please tell me what is racist about the word wypipologist ?

White black people hate to be uncomfortable for five freaking minutes! They can’t stand anyone calling them out.

he said “you heard me, boy.” I reached back and punched him

White opinions STILL best stay in that lane

Uneventful and boring?

The racist remark

victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction

Time to boycott everything made in Japan, right? Right?

Try natural antibiotics. Honey, ginger, and cinnamon are great! Mix them, with a little lemon juice, boil it for a moment, and then take a teaspoon of it twice a day. Usually clears me up in a few days.

Black Widow for head of the FBI

That’s the spirit! Don’t like how voice/the band? The lead singer should just die horribly. How deranged do you have to be to wish that on someone that offended you by covering a song?

All of these creeps look the same, pasty, nerdy, white dudes.