
Also, I’m not giving anyone unseasoned meat, because if we’re gonna half-step our food game at the cookout then what’s the point? That means they need to be prepared for flavor because the cookout is not the place for anyone who thinks Lawry’s is too spicy

Because it’s racist to require ID.

The number one killer of black people are other black people, followed by medical issues. Maybe we should stop blaming all the cops for the small fraction of black people (majority of which have been proven to be legit dangers) they kill.

Well, if they hadn’t acted like a couple of Shaquandas, they might not have gotten called out by a Becky.

The worst part is that the white folks in the audience probably won’t even

Ah yes, the ol’ “resort to violence because I don’t agree with you” angle. Very effective... When you’re 4 years old. 

For some wypipo

What about the women that are sober but gets raped anyway?

Yes, white folks are the only ones I know who’ll [...]

For your example of voter IDs being racist, wouldn’t that also make requiring an ID to purchase a firearm racist, since it’s a constitutional right as well? Or even requiring background checks, since our justice system incarcerates a higher number of black people, making many more black people ineligible for firearm

Man.. I felt the same way when I happened into the last BLM march here. What with their pants sagging around their knees, fake gold grills, and their bitchy-looking women. My pants held up with a belt, and regular teeth definitely made me stand out, and luckily, I was only called a cracker/honkey-ass a couple of

People around here would say that’s just crazy Uncle Joe and that you’re reading too much into it. He’s an awesome, fun-loving guy!

Let’s try to guess how many racially obsessed wypipo

Do you personally die without food? Water? Sex?

This just means you’re a literal Nazi and spawn of Satan. Most people on this site would certainly suggest you kill yourself because of your bloodline (because there’s nothing wrong with that when the bloodline is of someone they don’t like). I, however, will just offer my condolences and say “Happy New Year!”

I’m required to either A) buy health insurance at a very steep monthly fee, which has a very high deductible, or B) pay a small fine, which equates to way less than the total monthly fee for a year.

Well, to be fair, J. Lawrence isn’t filthy, and wasn’t the one that brought the weed, so...

It is too easy to write headlines these days, or predict the news with shocking accuracy.

“The killer was a white guy, so it HAS to be racist. Kill all whites!”
   -The Root

the most unbelievable part is that he claims to have had his room key in his hands the whole time, and yet, when the police showed up, they didn’t mistake it for a gun and just shoot him dead.