
Yeah... Aren’t people on this site the same ones that keep saying they can’t wait until the baby-boomers die off?

im glad at least HE remembers people like me.

I dunno... Just from my anecdotal experience of not getting the flu shot in the past 23 years, and also not having the flu in the 23 years, not getting the flu shot has been 100% effective effective for me...

The Root = photo-negative stormfront

So, kind of a weird thing I’ve been thinking about, but, I live near the projects and I’ve noticed that I’ve developed a 6th sense for who is in a gang. These are the bloodshot eyed, rap listening, baggy pants wearing hood types I see on the street. Most folks live and let live, but I swear the vibe with that set is

That’s racist

I agree... Didn’t seem like anyone around here had an issue with that playHamilton,’ where actual historical people were being played by the completely wrong race of actors. You’d even get called a racist if you bring it up.

Yeah... That’s kinda like saying I don’t like cat-calling either, but the woman wearing the short skirt probably deserves it.

Since you’re alright with people body-shaming Trump, you shouldn’t have any issue with people body-shaming you, right? Are you a fat porker, or do you need to eat more cheeseburgers so you don’t disappear when you turn sideways?

I own a couple of firearms, but wouldn’t say I’m a “gun humper” (what a derogatory term... But it’s cool if it’s against someone you don’t like, right?), and definitely don’t support the NRA.

He will also conveniently forget that a vast majority of the gun violence is caused by guns bought across the border in Indiana

This country is uncivilized as fuck

Oh, Angela.... It was a great article until this:

I was wondering why more people weren’t saying this... I thought cops were treated as sub-human pigs on this site.. I guess, unless it’s a black cop that gets killed.

Thoughts & prayers = “My condolences to the family.” which is what most people on this site are saying...

What I’ve learned is that most white black women ain’t shit.

People still want white Americans to apologize for slavery... 150 years later.. 35 years is a drop in the bucket.

Because something something Trump, something something Nazi.

You might as well call the majority of commentors, and a few of the writers, on Jezebel racist as well then. That was their #1 gripe with Leslie’s character. They amped up the “angry/loud black woman” stereotype to 11.

Can we all just agree that the South is blacks are just a dumpster fire? Seriously in the past five years I went from, “Oh, well I’d probably go eat some of their food,” to straight up, I wouldn’t step in their ghetto if my life depended on it.”