his racist flag
Only if they’re not white. But, if they’re not white, they can’t be racist, right? /s
a living wage
Well, if they’re going to bring up Trayvon, they might as well pass a law banning someone from jumping on top another person and beating their head in without any prior physical altercation.
I personally don’t see color
We can call them prison camps. Might actually be more accurate, ya know? Break the law, go to jail. And illegally crossing the border is kinda breaking the law...
At least they know how to use capital letters.
We know wypipo’s fear factor
Maybe their words don’t matter to you. Still doesn’t make you any less of a racist.
Yep... You’re pretty much the photo negative of a stormfront commentor at this point.
Funny how Wypipo STAY CLAIMING that it’s *their* neighbourhood when they need to justify doing some racist shit.
It’s sad, yeah. But, at the same time, if kids can sell lemonade without any permits, then I should be able to sell tacos without a permit. The bar down the street from me should be able to sell liquor without a permit.
Do you know what these bottles of water were stored in, prior (or even during) the little girl was selling them? Can you assure everyone that she took all the necessary precautions, which are both state and federally regulated, to ensure none of the bottles came into contact with contaminated substances?
Aren’t police supposed to uphold the law?
You know those type of wypipo.
It’s literally impossible to over-emphasize how good it is to have The Root on Kinja to balance out the kind of racism “good” white people are famous for.
Yeah, you’re right.. Who cares if she was offended, or perceived racism in what she was called. She’s white, so should just brush it off.
Yes! Advocate for more violence against other races! That will surely fix the issues we have today regarding racism. /s
I would have named it something like: “Where’d All the Wypipo...