If there wasn’t an education gap, and it was more common for black men to attend college than go to jail
If there wasn’t an education gap, and it was more common for black men to attend college than go to jail
Typical wypipo
anti-reverse racism
Yeah, I don’t understand why this is even a story... Headline should have just read “Person spends enough to throw up red flags with bank.” Hell, we get this all the time in my business and our stuff only comes to a max $11,000, but we have declines for a couple hundred bucks all the time.
If you’re in Dallas, which BB was this? I think I did Jason Terry’s home sound system back in the day, but can’t remember what part of town he lived in... I want to say Frisco, but it was years ago.
What reason would they have for putting a story on the Root of a black person doing something wrong?
300+ million firearms in the US, and 8 (very lazily found, I’m sure there’s more) examples of guns being left.... Not very high odds if you ask me...
armed all the time.
The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun
Would you forget your water bottle if you had a holster for it though?
As a gun owner, I’m more or less OK with this. Kinda like how you can be charged as an accessory to auto theft if you leave your car running when you go into a store, and it gets stolen. However, I don’t think you’d be charged with accessory to manslaughter if the car thief ends up running someone down....
crusty vanilla wafers he calls “lips.”
More of a blend between Mr. Rogers white and Bob Ross white. That’s the best kind of white.
You do know that there were far more white people that weren’t Nazis than were, right? Would seem the default thought process wouldn’t even include Nazi...
Whoever said “The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off” was right.
Culturally appropriated? Since when can you culturally appropriate the name of a plant? Being white, if I eat rice, am I appropriating any specific culture?
It is worrying to see white women jogging in formerly “hood” areas
I was about to stroll by and say high when I spotted the Blue Lives bumper sticker on his car. Instead I just made sure I have a camera pointing in that direction.
Got a source for Texas eating up more than it gives?