
You just tried to say that we shouldn’t tax guns because that would be punitive

We’ll go ahead and let you go door to door and try that. Let us know how it goes, if you can...

what if this
MMA fighter
person with a bat 
regular person that’s never done anything wrong in their life
is a good person, lawful, but suddenly just snapped? What do we do for people who were going along just fine and then spiraled into hell?

The amount of shootings in the US clearly demonstrates a complete lack of gun control.

so how about something else?

On the flip side:

Hamilton Musical whitewashing

When the number of totally innocent men accused and punished of sexual assault/harassment comes anywhere near the number of victims who receive no justice, I’ll become concerned.

BTW, does rational mean rapey now?

So, you mention OP’s race twice. Even referring to him/her as “white-boy.” What are you, some kind of racist? Because it sounds like you are. What’s that like, btw?

Words fucking matter.

And you can’t even form proper sentence structure.

Not sure about the FBI, but it’s estimated that cops shoot roughly 400 unarmed people every year. That’s 400 people out of over 75 million interactions with the public, which includes everything from traffic stops, warrants, domestic disputes, etc.

Serious question: Kinja’s Amazon affiliate links are right below this article.

The article title talks about mass shooting stats and black victims

Should we be calling you a racist then? If not, how come?

You talk about people being backwards bigots, then use the racist term “redneck.”

Well, you’re in luck! There are easy exits to the North and South, and slightly harder exits to the East and West. If you go the North/South way, go ahead and sneak across the border, then demand to be given free healthcare, schooling, housing, etc.

How are they paying into SS if they don’t have an SS#?

How dare you even consider that someone sees a non-white person as just another person. You’re racist if you don’t pay attention to skin color. But, you’re also racist if you do pay attention to skin color. So, what are you? A racist? Or a racist?