
Snark is free. Paying for car repairs aren’t. So, how much of your paycheck do I deserve? Serious question... How much are you going to give me to fix my car? I at least deserve some of it.

I’ve asked this several times, and aside from being called a conservative piece of crap, I’ve been told that it should include enough for food, shelter, transportation, and healthcare for the whole family. A nice addition would be a little bit of entertainment, and enough left over to put away for retirement.

Shh... That doesn’t fit with the narrative.

You’re really comparing a janitor.. someone who not only cleans, but also fixes the plumbing and is basically an all around handy-man, to a housemaid, who only cleans?

I don’t hate poor people... Hell, I grew up as one, and still kind of am. What I don’t like though, is someone doing the same exact job for an entire decade without even one promotion. That’s like saying “you’ve been going to school for 10 years. Why are you still in 1st grade?”

Which is what a lot of people, making $15/hr now, fear will happen once MW is raised to $15.

So I think everyone that needs help deserves help. You’ve no idea what it is like to be in this woman’s position. they have more skills than a fast food worker?

I’m guessing you’ve never heard of scholarships, grants, loans, and/or company reimbursement?

How the fuck is she supposed to afford college with a $10/hr job and two kids,

The path to correct it is to pay a living wage for honest work

Those are definitely wypipo questions

It’s no use, man... Thanks for the informative post, but apparently every single white person that lived 100+ years ago MUST be judged using today’s standards. If you even try to suggest that they shouldn’t be, and for people to see through the lens of years ago, you’re immediately a racist, woman hater, and likely a

I love Dorian Gray, but my feelings about this are mixed.

This is from their ToS:

Nope. That’s not how the commentators at Jezebel work. You must have always held the same stance that they preach. If you don’t then you’re nothing more than someone who only changed their mind when it affected them, aka; not a true progressive.

If you’re afraid of being outed for exercising your right to free speech you should probably reevaluate what you’re saying.

Seeing as how your comment history only shows this one comment about what happened, a couple of days after it happened, I’m assuming this is what you wrought and support as well?

So has the majority of the US. You don’t hear about anything but the violent stuff on the news, so it makes it seem like the country is rife with hatred. In reality, the most of us get along just fine.

Oh, that was 100% his intent. It’s the very intent of this entire website; to paint any and all conservatives as racist shitbags. In my opinion, the alt-right isn’t the only problem in this whole thing.