
-Liberals: “Why should you get to keep all your hard earned money? In America, we should base things on simply existing. Now, give me some of your money.”

How hard was it to sneak across Italy’s border?


Shh... That line of reasoning doesn’t fit in with the outrage narrative. It’s easier to just 100% believe her and boycott the company.

Easy there... A comment like yours might get you banished to the greys real quickly around here.

That’s still not the full acronym. I believe it’s LGBTQQIP2SAA now.

You probably missed this part of the law that link is referring to:

This is a perfect response. I was in an open relationship in my mid-20's and was always up front with it before I got ‘busy’ with another woman. Otherwise, it’s basically lying-by-omission.

I’m gonna start picking up lesbians at the bar then. Apparently, as long as they don’t ask, and I don’t tell them I’m a cis-male, I won’t be deceiving them.I can dress like a pretty good looking Tomboy too, so I could even pass as a woman.

Since that problem with trans women would occur at your end, it’s your responsibility to deal with it.

It’s spelled “Chick-fil-A,” so not as dumb as you think. Also, you better be adding Home Depot, and New Balance to that list of yours, because both support Trump. Angel Soft and Brawny donate to the NRA, so you better not use their stuff either. Amazon advertises on Breibart and sells Trump branded stuff, so you might

I never really appreciate how lucky I am living in Texas until I visit California. What do you mean I have to pay state income tax? What do you mean I can’t smoke/vape inside? What do you mean I can’t have a plastic bag for my groceries? What do you mean the lifeguard has to give me permission to play frisbee on an LA

9/11 rolls around and we lose our shit over box cutters.

Did we ever try the pills or a mass sterilization campaign

I dunno. I’m a white man and I feel unfairly criticized. Would someone please acknowledge my perception? Oh, wait, let me get back to you, once I can actually back up my perceptions with facts.

Play about historical white skinned figures being portrayed by black people? Absolute success and Jez sees nothing wrong.

Have you looked into, or tried, the 30 pin to lighting adapters? I don’t have an Apple, so can’t say how reliable they are, but they might be the ticket you’re looking for to upgrade your phone.

Blame Apple. If they didn’t have to play catch up, you probably wouldn’t see as many Android based comments.

You’re right. No reason we all shouldn’t be fuckin’ our brains out in the aisles of Kroger. I mean hell, if you can’t bust a nut near your favorite brand of potato chips, the only people to blame are the puritan cocksuckers.

I’ll seriously look into those. Honestly though, it’s not a big deal to me unless the site won’t let me continue until I whitelist them. At that point, I just go back to google or whatever search engine and click on the next link.