
Why does Darren Wilson deserve to be shot, and burned inside a car?

Not on this website you can’t. If you disagree with someone, you celebrate their death. It’s the Jezebel/Gawker way!

And I’m betting that, right now, there’s comments below yours blaming white people or cops for his death.

Because Rape.
Because Jezebel.
Because Outrage.

I looked it up for you... And, as far as Law&Order is concerned, you seem to be slightly wrong...

I haven’t seen the movie yet, and really do want to because I’m a sucker for horror movies of any kind. So, I can’t really comment on the rapey-ness of the movie yet.

I guess co-producers Kelli Konop, Ildiko Kemeny, executive producer Erin Westerman, set designer Zsuzsa Mihalek, the various women makeup artists, production managers, art/casting/sound department personnel, and assistant directors don’t count as women?

In most of those cop shows, isn’t it usually the second person they interview, or someone that shows up within the last 5 minutes, that turns out to be the killer? Unless there’s a ‘famous’ actor playing a bit part.. Then they’re always the killer. Or did they finally change up the formula?

They can ONLY understand experiences they have personally gone through.

Somehow though, I’m guessing you were completely OK with all those cismen and ciswomen with signs that were fighting for same sex marriage, like they were the guardians of gays, and exempt from committing homosexual hate crimes...

If only you could go back in time and put right what once went wrong...

If you haven’t read it yet, Chris Amos, a retired police officer, wrote a pretty good response to Kaepernick not standing for the anthem, etc.

At first I thought it was some weird Hunter S Thompson reference...

Remember that lady that worked for a county office, and didn’t want to sign same sex marriage licenses? Remember how people here were basically calling for her head on a spike, and how her life should be ruined?

Yeah.. If the “Please turn off cellphones” PSAs before movies don’t help, I doubt this would either...

This reminded of a perverted old man I used to work with a few years ago.. He would always talk about his college years, back in the 60s, and how easy it was to get laid. Here was his “most famous” pick up line at bars:

Something tells me those storm troopers would miss their mark quite often...

I wonder how many Wizard of OZ loving anti-gun people remember that the scarecrow had a revolver in the movie...

I'd imagine as soon as guns become federally illegal to own/sell/use.

So, if she makes a joke about sex, it is appropriate for a heckler to demand that he have sex with her? I don’t get it.