
Get it right. The topic of the episode was "Horse" not "Horses".

If you want a better episode about a group of unrepentant assholes in therapy, I suggest It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: "The Gang Gets Analyzed"

If i recall, wasn't there also a suicidal guy in that special too?

However, Showalter reminds me of Jonathan Frakes in the Enterprise finale. Time is a bitch and we all gain weight.

I know this has been said, but Paul Rudd doesn't age. He literally looks the same here as he did in the movie, 14 years ago…

Chang works in the commissary, so she probably knows the names of most of the inmates, but doesn't give a shit.

I agree. For me the most shocking flashback of Season 2 was Morello's. Suddenly we saw a character that we thought we knew pretty well in an entirely different light.

No, you're thinking of their 2002 album that had parentheses as a title.

This has to happen. It's the only logical evolution of this show. Adam Reed, are you taking notes?

No mention of the woman who was casually urinating on the sidewalk as Abbi and Ilana passed by?

Couldn't imagine a better ending to such a positive show.

Just read the headline and not the article.

In the cold open of the season premiere.

So the crazy lady on the subway calling Abbi "Val" wasn't so crazy after all

It's literally early season Law & Order episodes rewritten to fit the UK legal system.

Right here

Debbie Harry performed with Arcade Fire at Coachella last year, all is good

Food for thought: what if the contents of Jeremy's package in "Working Girls" was, in fact, his custom dildo?