
Funny, everyone, including me, thought busing to achieve forced segregation brought out the racists in full force, and it may have, but 45 years later, Southie and Charlestown and Dorchester are well integrated, so there’s no need for forced busing, and we don’t hear about very many racial incidents in the schools

That’s not how I interpreted “knowing their place”.

I’m from Boston. I went down to Ft Lauderdale in 1978, and was talking about race relations with a local. She said there was no tension down there because blacks “knew their place”.

Well bless your heart.

Awesome trolling.

“It’s clear there are consequences to every action, and in this area, I will need time for personal reflection and growth.”

The “double-cross” is disgusting. It’s basically assault with intent to maim. The victim thinks he’s in a work, and he ends up severely injured because he didn’t know he had to defend himself.   Wrestlers who inflict this damage should be arrested.

Don’t huck me a chynek.

The way to a man’s schmeckle is thru his stomach.

That’s his golf gloved hand. ALways protected from the sun. His other hand looks like Secretariat’s saddle.

My father’s brother’s eyes are tartan. I assume on of our ancestors was raped by one of Genghis Khan’s hoards, if not by Genghis Khan himself.

You’re welcome. It’s a bit “one-note”, but it’s a funny note (if you ignore the sadness of it all).

@BestyDeVos. My gift to you.

Is nose picking allowed? Encouraged?

Make it inches and you’ve got a deal in principle.

Well, Milo is young.

I had a “chance” chance to meet him around 2000, at a mall in MA, where he was doing an autograph session with Bruno Sammartino. I was pressed for time so I didn’t take the opportunity to talk to him, and to this day I regret that.

OK, so, here’s the fix: He FIRES the ball back to the mound as hard as he can, from his squatting position, ten times.

No natural predators? No hawks? No fox? No coyotes? No domesticated dogs? No cats? No mean people? (OK, those aren’t “natural predators”, but still...).

Not disputing, but, who did the NBC interview? SOMEONE laughed at her. Who?